Build Your Own Matchbox Pinhole Camera Sunday 12 February

The workshop is led by designer of the Matchbox Camera and avid pinhole photographer Chris McNulty. You will build your camera from a single A4 sheet of high quality kraft paper. 

Everyone attending the workshop will receive a Matchbox Camera kit, including film, and build it into a working pinhole camera. You will have to be comfortable using a sharp knife and ruler. 

Introductory price £20 per person. From 11am to 2pm on February 8th at Crownpoint Studios, Crownpoint Street, Glasgow. Call, text or E-mail to book a place. Places are limited to six.

See images taken with the camera on Twitter @papercamera.

Pinhole photographs 

Converting a box of matches into a pinhole camera has been a classic rainy day project for science students and the photo-curious for decades. Now for the first time offers a brand new design in pinhole photography. With its long exposure times, the Matchbox Camera is perfect for still life, landscapes and ultra creative portraits.

Pinhole photography is a fantastic way for anyone to broaden their photographic horizons and explore their own creativity. See the world in a new way and go beyond the constraints of traditional lens based photography.

Location: Glasgow City

For further information, please contact (, or call 07866560269, or visit