Laser cut from a single sheet of kraft paper



The Matchbox Camera is a pinhole camera laser cut from the highest quality kraft paper. Available in kit form or flatpack for YOU build and use to take great pictures.

A pinhole camera is like a regular camera except that instead of a lens a tiny hole is used to form the image. Pinhole photographs have a unique and captivating ghost-like quality.

Converting a box of matches into a pinhole camera has been a classic rainy day project for science students and the photo-curious for decades. Now for the first time offers a brand new design in pinhole photography. With its long exposure times, the Matchbox Camera is perfect for still life, landscapes and ultra creative portraits. 

Pinhole photography is a fantastic way for anyone to broaden their photographic horizons and explore their own creativity. See the world in a new way and go beyond the constraints of traditional lens based photography.

The Matchbox Camera is designed by professional photographer and long-time pinhole devotee Chris McNulty.

If pinhole photography lacks some fine detail it more than makes up with fuzzy colours and unexpected effects. Get in close to your subject and look for bold shapes, colours and patterns. Get creative!

The flat pack Matchbox camera

The flat pack Matchbox camera


Pinhole Cameras

Want to get into pinhole photography but don’t want to blow the budget? This option is what we recommend to get you pinholing including everything you need.

  • Camera printed on 100% A4 415gsm Kraft paper

  • Instructions to build and operate the camera

  • Kodakcolor 200 ISO 24 exposure 35mm film

  • A 35mm reusable film cassette

  • Unique Pinhole Makers Kit

In Shops

The Matchbox Camera is stocked by a growing number of retailers. 

The Matchbox Camera is also available to purchase in bespoke packs for educators.



**12th of February 2016**

Join photographer and designer of the Matchbox Camera, ChrisMcNulty for a workshop building a pinhole camera from a single sheet of recycled paper.

The Matchbox Camera is available in educational packages for educators to run their own  workshops.  Fully supported with printed instructions and video.



“I had a blast with the Matchbox Camera”

Jake Ramirez.